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Thai Massage 

We are talking about Thai massage here not other kind. Thai massage as the name advices coming from Thailand. Like Muay Thai, for example, is the Thai boxing practiced and performed mostly by Thai. It's part of our culture, way of life, and now the world. Thai culture has been well aware by many people around the world. Thai food, Muay Thai, and Thai massage are among the most well known Thai culture.

Thai massage has long history. When did it start exactly, nobody can tell, but we learnt that it was since Ayuthaya period to Ratanakosin, Bangkok, period when it was recorded and preserved officially. Since then, Thai massage has been playing an important role in traditional healing for people in Thailand.

There were two different categories of Thai massage, i.e. one is for the nobles and another for the laymen, only this type that we provides for people.

The real traditional Thai massage by Thai focusing on feet, shoulders, neck, and arms, and body. These are grouped into 3 groups of services, i.e, foot massage, shoulder and neck, and full-body massage. 

How to dress when taking Thai massage?

When taking Thai massage, one has to dress properly with the provided pant or sometimes with shirt also. The client will have to bear in mind that no Thai massage with no clothes on. That's something else. We don't recommend here.

Call us or book online for the service suit with you and your time.

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